Oct 25, 2020
Dharma talk given by Ven. Geshe Tsewang Thinley October 18, 2020.
Music by Barefoot Bran Music.
The Thirty-Seven Practices of All the Bodhisattvas
by Gyalse Tokme Zangpo
Verses 10-14
The practice of all the bodhisattvas is to arouse
So as to bring freedom to all sentient beings, infinite in
For how can true happiness ever be found while our mothers,
Who have cared for us throughout the ages, endure such pain?
The practice of all the bodhisattvas is to make a genuine
Of one’s own happiness and wellbeing for all the sufferings of
Since all misery comes from seeking happiness for oneself
Whilst perfect buddhahood is born from the wish for others’
Even if others, in the grips of great desire, should steal,
Or encourage others to take away, all the wealth that I
To dedicate to them entirely my body, possessions and all my
From the past, present and future— this is the practice of all the
Even if others should seek to cut off my head,
Though I’ve done them not the slightest wrong,
To take upon myself, out of compassion,
All the harms they have amassed—this is the practice of all the
Even if others should declare before the world
All manner of unpleasant things about me,
To speak only of their qualities in return,
With a mind that’s filled with love—this is the practice of all the